Packing for a move can be one of the most daunting tasks you will ever face. Even if you’re just relocating apartments, there always seems to be an endless supply of boxes to pack and not enough time to do it. On top of that, you have to figure out what goes where and make sure everything is labeled correctly. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of packing for your upcoming move, here are tested and proven tips on how to box up your apartment from top to bottom.
Come Up with a Plan First
For any move, you’re going to have a much better chance of success if you have a plan. When it comes to packing up your apartment, the less time and effort you spend getting everything packed up, the faster you’ll get things over with.
Unfortunately, many people jump right into the process without doing any planning whatsoever. This can backfire quickly, as they may end up having to stop partway through the process because they’ve run out of boxes or encountered an issue.
In order to help avoid this problem, sit down and write a step-by-step outline for how you’re going to proceed with packing up your apartment. You don’t need an extensive list. A simple apartment moving guide like this one will help you get started or spark ideas.
Take Inventory of Your Belongings
This might seem like an obvious step for someone who just wants to get moving as fast as possible, but many people fail to do this step before they start packing up their apartment. That’s not good since you’ll likely run out of boxes quickly if you don’t know how many things need to be packed up beforehand. For an item that goes into a box, write down the following information in a small notebook.
- Any special items needed for moving (box knife, tape, etc.)?
- Does it need to be wrapped in plastic? If not, make a note.
- Is it fragile or a hazard?
Knowing which goes where is a key step in staying on top of things.

Know The Size of Your New Apartment
Another vital thing to remember when packing up is how big the new space is you’ll be occupying. If you’re not sure about this figure, take a picture of your new apartment and compare it with your room.
This can save you tremendous amounts of time in packing because you’ll only have to box up items that actually fit at the new place. This helps you avoid ending up getting a storage service, which can be more expensive in the long run.
Consider Hiring Professional Movers
Believe it or not, there are advantages to hiring professional movers rather than doing it yourself. The main benefit is that you won’t have to worry about how much space things take up or if they’ll fit in the moving truck. They will solve the puzzle for you. This also protects you from injuries and your belongings from damage (even if it does happen, it’ll be covered by insurance). Plus, if you live on a higher floor like those found in sky-high apartments in Brooklyn and New York, an experienced mover can easily handle the physical labor along with various tricks for getting heavy items like furniture downstairs and into small spaces.

Pack Lightly
Many people make the big mistake of trying to move everything at once. This isn’t necessary, nor is it wise. Why? Because it’ll clutter up your new home. Not to mention ramp up the overall cost of your relocation.
Instead, start by getting rid of items you won’t need. This includes items that take up too much space, broken appliances, old stuff, and duplicates. You can try and sell them first, donate them to charity, and finally have the junk removal company pick them up as a last resort.
As for the packing, start with items that are easy to move and pack lightly. This could be anything from clothing to books, lighter electronics to knickknacks. Put them in boxes first for ease of movement—and so you have some extra wrappings just in case they’re needed later on during the process.
Moreover, choose your boxes wisely. Make sure they are strong enough to hold heavy items and solid enough not to break apart while moving about.
Color-Code The Boxes
Color-coding is an old labeling technique that is still widely used today. It simply works. You’ve seen it in use by the postal service – when you receive a package with colored labels, you can tell at a glance where to take it. It’s the same idea here, but with boxes. With colored stickers or sharpies, label each box based on what room of your apartment it pertains to and what items go inside. This will make unpacking much easier later on.

Lastly, Keep Calm and Collected
Don’t start things off on the wrong foot by rushing through the process. A rushed job will inevitably result in some sort of mistake, whether it’s throwing something away that you later realize you wanted to keep or breaking something while moving it around. This can leave you scrambling to buy new stuff out of your own pocket, costing time and money.
If you take the time to organize yourself before jumping into an apartment move, you’ll find yourself breezing through what used to be a difficult task with ease. If you feel like you’re starting to get overwhelmed at any point during the process, stop for a minute and readjust your approach.